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A compelling community experience


Coming this fall, 2020. All 200 parishes in the Episcopal Diocese of New York are invited to form local groups to read, discuss, and learn from one of the most timely and important books of our day: How To Be An Antiracist, by the acclaimed winner of the National Book Award, Ibram X. Kendi. Click here to read an important message from Bishop Dietsche.





Join the conversation. Link your church with others in a series of live online book chats beginning in September, 2020. Explore the meaning of antiracism with fellow Episcopalians from different communities in the New York diocese. Forge new friendships and gain new insights into urgent issues that impact us all, as Christians and citizens.



A memorable diocese-wide gathering â€‹


Meet the author. Participate with hundreds of other

Episcopalians in an exclusive online event on October

22, 2020. Ibram X. Kendi will discuss his journey of

discovery, answer your questions, and reflect on the 

nationwide movement toward antiracism that his

writings have helped to fuel.



This website is the launching pad for your journey of discovery


Follow the links at the top of this page to get started! Click here for a timeline of events to expect as this year's book reading program unfolds.








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