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Timeline â€‹


July, 2020: Launch of Episcopal NY Reads 1 Book 2020. All 200 parishes in the Diocese of New York are invited to form reading groups to read and discuss Ibram X. Kendi's How To Be An Antiracist. Parishes begin promoting the program, recruiting participants, and purchasing books.


August, 2020: Parish reading groups sign up to participate in the book reading program, including taking part in online book chats with people from other parishes. Parishes select dates for three live book discussions during the month of September and enter these on their calendars.


September, 2020: Three live book discussions are held in parishes around the diocese, including a number that include inter-parish dialog and sharing. Many parishes find that Kendi's book and the conversations it generates are stimulating ideas about how their congregations can commit to turning their churches into antiracist institutions.


October 22, 2020: Parish members from across the diocese take part in a live online event with author Ibram X. Kendi (signup details to come).

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